San Diego Area

The San Diego region is well-known for its beautiful beaches and great weather, but what most don’t realize is that the region’s air pollution has been getting worse over the past few years, mainly as a result of increasing emissions from the transportation sector. San Diegans travel more vehicle miles annually per commuter than the state average and other major urban counties. More hours spent in traffic means more air pollutants and greenhouse gases being emitted from those vehicles. Additionally, according to the American Lung Association’s 2021 “State of the Air” report, the San Diego region is the 7th area in the nation with the most ozone pollution.

On Clean Air Day San Diegans can come together as a community to take action to clean up our air and reduce pollution!

2024 San Diego Regional Regional Committee


Supervisor Nora Vargas, San Diego County, District 1

Steven Baratte, San Diego County Office of Education

Khalisa Bolling, SANDAG

Oscar Campos, San Diego County Office of Education

Peter Cronin, Ale Smith Brewing Company

Emily Doss, SANDAG

Brian Elliott, Office of Councilmember Joe LaCava

Kylee Floodman, Bird

Morgan Justice-Black, SDG&E

Ariel Kroll, San Diego MTS

Melina Lasley, The Steer Group

Stephanie Morris

Erika Saari, The Steer Group

Maykent Salazar, Office of Supervisor Nora Vargas

Natalis Swalnick, TRC Company

Randy Wilde, Office of Mayor Todd Gloria