Submit an Event

California Clean Air Day is about community. It is about all of us doing our part to protect public health, improve air quality and prevent climate change. When all of us pledge to take action, we are more powerful together!

Creating an event around Clean Air Day goes a long way towards making an impact and helping your community understand how even small actions can make a difference. Please submit your event details below, so we can include it with all the other projects taking place on and around October 2th.

If you’ve already taken the Organization Clean Air Pledge, you can log in with your account now to pre-fill information from your Organization Pledge. Click here to log in.

  • Event Information

    All information in this section will be publicly listed on the events page.
  • If your event is virtual, please indicate whether your event is targeted toward all of California or just a specific region.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • :
  • Web page, Eventbrite, Facebook, etc. If you haven't set up the event page yet, write N/A in the box below and we'll follow up closer to the event.
  • Host Organization

    All information in this section will be publicly listed on the events page.
  • Contact Information

    Contact information is for organizational purposes only and will not be listed publicly.
  • Account

    Please create an account or log in to your existing account you created when you took the Organization Clean Air Pledge. This will allow you to edit your event later. You can also choose to continue as a guest.